Captions Today: Accessibility for Hearing Loss and More
For millions of people dealing with hearing loss, captions can provide critical support that enhances or supplements hearing aids and other hearing assistive technologies.
Today, a new generation of people are discovering how captions can provide invaluable connections for those who have been partially or completely cut off from others due to hearing loss.
This webinar, sponsored by Hamilton® CapTel® and presented by Digitalzone, features Larry Goldberg, accessible media and technology consultant along with Mitchell Levy, Hamilton CapTel product manager, who discuss:
- The importance of keeping people with hearing loss connected to what matters most – family, friends, healthcare professionals and business associates
- Why hearing healthcare professionals are increasingly recommending captions to combat hearing loss comorbidities such as social isolation
- How captioned telephone solutions can deepen patient relationships for all healthcare professionals
- How captioned devices at home and in the office are changing the way we work and play
Watch now to learn how captions are literally changing the lives of millions of people every day – for the better.