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For Hearing Healthcare Professionals: Improved Balance Reduces Fall Risk
Researchers correlate hearing loss with a heightened risk of falling
A Johns Hopkins researcher studied and validated the connection between hearing loss and falling in middle-aged adults. Another study at Washington University in St. Louis verified the link for adults aged 65-91.1
“The participants appeared to be using the sound information coming through their hearing aids as auditory reference points or landmarks to help maintain balance,” said study author Dr. Timothy Hullar. “It’s a bit like using your eyes to tell where you are in space. If we turn out the lights, people sway a little bit – more than they would if they could see. This study suggests that opening your ears also gives you information about balance.”
Download the brief, For Hearing Healthcare Professionals: Improved Balance Reduces Fall Risk, now to read about how hearing loss and falls are related, how that impacts your patients and what you can do to help.
- Julia Evangelou Strait, “Hearing aids may improve balance” Washington University in St. Louis, Dec., 2014