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Social Engagement and Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is linked to depression, anxiety and much more
Recent large-scale studies reveal powerful connections between hearing loss and other health conditions
One recent study with over 12 years of follow-up across a sample size of more than 25,000 people1 investigated the relationship between the prevalence of hearing loss and the incidence of depression. The results revealed conclusive evidence of a direct link between hearing loss and depression, and even further suggested a possible causal relationship between the two.1
People with hearing loss have 46% higher overall healthcare costs2
That is just one of the key statistics that Lena Kauffman discussed in this recent white paper, Social Engagement and Hearing Loss, sponsored by Hamilton® CapTel®. Her work shows the connections between hearing loss and psychological health conditions including social isolation, anxiety and depression.
Hearing healthcare professionals are in a unique position to help
This data presents hearing healthcare professionals with an opportunity to deepen their relationships with their patients and work in concert with other healthcare providers to ensure the best possible health outcomes.
- Wei-Ting Hsu, MD, Chih-Chao Hsu, MD, “Increased risk of depression in patients with acquired sensory hearing loss,” Medicine magazine, Nov. 2016 (https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/fulltext/2016/11010/Increased_risk_of_depression_in_patients_with.76.aspx)
- Nicholas S. Reed, AuD et al., “Trends in Health Care Costs and Utilization Associated With Untreated Hearing Loss Over 10 Years” JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Jan. 2019 (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaotolaryngology/article-abstract/2714049)