Hearing Healthcare Program
Our Hearing Healthcare Program provides complimentary demo phones and materials for your office so you can show your patients how Hamilton CapTel works and qualify them to receive a Hamilton CapTel phone at no cost.1
Our Hearing Healthcare Program provides complimentary demo phones and materials for your office so you can show your patients how Hamilton CapTel works and qualify them to receive a Hamilton CapTel phone at no cost.1
Hearing loss is the number one service-related injury affecting veterans. Often overshadowed by the other challenges our service men and women face, hearing loss is nevertheless intertwined both physically and emotionally – as a trigger, a constant reminder or an everyday frustration. It is a very unique and personal challenge for many veterans. Heroes With Hearing Loss® – provided by Hamilton® CapTel® – is a platform of engagement, providing insightful solutions and successful lifestyle-focused results.